Jimmy “Fagettaboutit” Superfly was in his element, crouched by the security panel, muttering under his breath as he worked to disable Victor Van Spin’s recently upgraded and ridiculously complex security system. His fingers flew over the keypad, but he couldn’t just smash the thing with his super-speed burst.
Behind him, Lady “Three Fingers” Fuchsia was pacing, growing increasingly impatient. Assassination? Absolutely. Standing still while Jimmy fiddled with tech? Not so much.
“Are you done yet, my love?” Lady Fuchsia growled, tapping one of her three fingers on the hilt of her dagger. “We’ve got about two minutes before Victor realizes Izzy’s just distracting him with that story about her old family recipe for pizza rolls.”
Jimmy didn’t even look up. “Hey, hey! These things take time! Victor’s update to his security system is insane—laser grids, retinal scans, voice recognition… This guy’s got a backup system just for his backup system!”
Lady Fuchsia raised an eyebrow. “And what’s your excuse? You’ve been at this for five minutes.”
Jimmy smirked. “Hey, hacking’s an art, baby. If you want speed, I can zip around this room in a blur, but breaking into a paranoid billionaire’s vault? It’s all about finesse.”
Fuchsia sighed, visibly struggling to keep still. “Fine, just get it done before I lose my patience and take out the entire security team myself.”
Jimmy chuckled. “Don’t tempt me with a good time, Fuchsia.”
The Plan
The Rapisouls had their mission: infiltrate Victor’s headquarters, steal his Mystery Message Mug, Clairvoyant Calculator, and Secret Spork—items crucial for use along with the Quadruple Cs to connect all the dots—and get out before anyone knew they were there.
Their super-speed gave them an edge, but it wasn’t like they could just phase through walls without triggering every alarm.
Finally, Jimmy disconnected the last wire, and the door to Victor’s office swung open with a soft click. “There we go. See? Piece of cake.”
Lady Fuchsia breezed past him, three fingers gripping a blade as she scanned the room for threats. “Just grab the loot, Superfly. We don’t have time for your victory dance.”
Victor’s office was straight out of a villain’s handbook: oversized mahogany desk, gold-plated knick-knacks, and a giant portrait of himself smirking above a fake fireplace.
“Real humble decor,” Jimmy muttered, heading straight for the wall safe behind the portrait. “Bet you five bucks the code is ‘12345.’ Villains love cliche passwords.”
Lady Fuchsia, still on edge, tapped her foot impatiently as Jimmy worked on the safe. “If we get caught because you’re playing around, I’m making you run a thousand feet straight into the Atlantic.”
“Relax,” Jimmy grinned, finally hearing the satisfying click of the safe. “I got this. You know I’m the best there is.”
The Heist
Inside the safe was a manila folder marked Top Secret: Definitely Not Incriminating Evidence. Next to it was a flash drive labeled with a skull and crossbones and all the other items Kota said she needed for use with the Quadruple Cs. Jimmy grabbed them all, giving Fuchsia a wink. “The motherload.”
Fuchsia nodded. “Let’s get out of here before Victor realizes Izzy’s story was a lie and that pizza rolls are not a legitimate emergency meal.”
Jimmy gave the room one last look. “You sure we don’t want to take something for the road? Maybe one of these gold paperweights? You know, as a memento?”
Fuchsia didn’t respond—she was already gone, using her super-speed to silently take down a guard that had wandered too close to their location. In a blink, she was back, standing by Jimmy as if nothing had happened.
He whistled softly. “You’re too good.”
She wiped her blade on her sleeve. “And you’re too slow. Let’s move.”
The Escape
They were almost out when the alarms suddenly flared to life.
Jimmy blinked. “Uh… did you touch something?”
Fuchsia’s eyes narrowed. “No. But we’re definitely running now.”
Without hesitation, Jimmy grabbed Lady Fuchsia’s hand, and they both took off in a blur of super-speed, darting down the halls at a thousand feet per second. They had maybe a minute to escape before the entire building went into lockdown.
Jimmy shot Fuchsia a grin as they zipped past security guards who barely had time to react. “Man, I love a good heist. You feelin’ that adrenaline yet?”
Fuchsia rolled her eyes as they hit the exit and burst through the door just before the lockdown gates slammed shut behind them. She gave Jimmy a sidelong glance. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
He shrugged, still grinning. “Hey, a heist isn’t worth it if it isn’t a little fun.”
The Aftermath
Back at The Beach Shack, Jimmy tossed all of the booty onto the table, kicking his feet up. “Well, that was easy. Wanna grab pizza rolls to celebrate?”
Lady Fuchsia sat down, shaking her head. “Only you would pull off the heist of the decade from a paranoid billionaire and then ask me to cook.”
Jimmy grinned. “You know you love it when I pull off the impossible, Fuchsia.”
Fuchsia leaned back, crossing her arms. “Next time, I’ll pick the plan. And you’re cooking.”
Jimmy winked. “Deal. But just remember, it’s never a bad heist if it ends with pizza rolls.”