Why You Can’t Focus Like a Goldfish
You’ve probably heard the saying, “In one ear, out the other.” But in today’s world, it’s more like “In one ear, out the other in less time than it takes a goldfish to blink.”
That’s right, according to some questionable but widely accepted research, the average human attention span is just eight seconds—a whole second less than a goldfish! Imagine that—a creature that spends its day swimming in circles can out-focus you. But hey, who’s really counting?
So, with the odds stacked against you, how can you possibly get your point across before everyone’s minds drift off to cat videos or that last slice of pizza?
Keep It Short and Sweet
If you want to make an impact, you need to get to the point faster than you can say “distracted.” Your message has to be delivered in eight seconds or less. That’s right—eight. Think of it as an elevator pitch, but the elevator is plummeting and you only have time to scream out a few words.
Bullet Points Are Your Best Friend
Forget paragraphs. If you can’t say it in a bullet point, don’t say it at all. Break your message into bite-sized chunks that can be consumed in eight seconds or less. This way, you’ll keep everyone awake—well, for at least eight seconds.
Embrace Micro-Content
Who has time for long-form content these days? Not us! Videos? Great idea. Capture the essence of your message right out of the gate. Need to discuss climate change? Sure, but only if you can do it in the time it takes to sneeze. Plus it never hurts to throw in a couple of bikini pics.
Be Clear and Direct
Say what you mean, and say it quickly. No big words. If it has more than two syllables, ditch it. The simpler, the better. Think of your audience as people who are close relatives of the burglars in Home Alone.
Consistent Messaging
Repetition, repetition, repetition. Did I say repetition? Yes, I did. The more you repeat your short, simple message, the more likely it is that someone will remember it. If your audience doesn’t get it the first time, don’t worry—they’ll have seven more seconds to figure it out.
Good for You—You’re Still Reading!
Wow, look at you! We’re well past eight seconds now, and you’re still here. Bravo! If you’ve made it this far, you’re either an oddity or just really bored. Either way, thanks for sticking around.
Making Real Change in a World with Short Attention Spans
In a world where a goldfish might just be more focused than your average human, it’s essential to master the art of the eight-second rule.
Refine your message, keep it brief, and slap it on every platform you can think of—YouTube Shorts, Instagram, TikTok, you name it. Aim for 7.8 or less, just to be safe.
Because, let’s face it, if you can’t grab and hold someone’s attention in less time than it takes to say “Squirrel!“—you’re out of luck.