Home Mockery Corner Top 4 Reasons Why We Need So Many Experts

Top 4 Reasons Why We Need So Many Experts

Photo by Ingo Joseph: https://www.pexels.com/photo/grayscale-photography-of-people-walking-near-buildings-9816/

Oh, what a relief it is to live in a world teeming with experts! It’s a real comfort knowing that no matter the problem, we have countless people with titles who can tell us exactly what isn’t going to happen…right before it does.

Who needs guesswork when you have this level of reliability?

Let’s be real: if these experts are really experts, shouldn’t they be practically flawless?

I mean, they’re the experts!

Shouldn’t they always be a few steps ahead, predicting every curve and twist with pinpoint accuracy?

Neil deGrasse Tyson put it best: “One of the great challenges in this world is knowing enough about a subject to think you’re right, but not enough about the subject to know you’re wrong.”

And who am I to argue?

I’m just here to clap politely while the experts proceed to be right…until they’re not, of course.

It’s not like we ever hear them admit to a miscalculation, do we?


We might imagine an expert saying, “Oops, my bad,” but, alas, that daydream remains a fantasy.

Admitting they were wrong would make them, dare I say, human?

But experts aren’t human—they’re something much more, right?

Surely, somewhere in the great fortress of expertise, they exist on a pedestal high above us mere mortals.

MCU are you listening?

And isn’t it just fantastic that we have experts on everything?

Sports, politics, the “proper” way to pick your nose—you name it, there’s an expert eager to tell us exactly how it’s done.

I don’t know what I’d do without that kind of guidance, honestly. I’d probably make the terrible mistake of thinking for myself, and that sounds exhausting.

It’s so much easier to remember that they’re always right, and they’re always there, just waiting to tell us all what’s up.

So, why do we keep listening to them?

Because they’re above it all. They’re perfect…or at least they give us a pretty good illusion of perfection.

But wouldn’t it be something if, just once, an expert stepped down from their elevated platform and said,

You know what? Turns out I was just guessing along with everyone else.

Imagine that level of honesty.